    Places to visit in cherrapunji

    Places To Visit In Cherrapunji And All That It Has:

    Sep 06, 2024

    If you're thinking there's nothing much really to see in Cherrapunji, it's just a place of year long rainfalls, you're wrong. Yes, Cherrapunji is a town that has rainfalls for the whole of the year, but it is because of this very peculiar climate that Cherrapunji has bloomed into something very quaint, amazing and surreal. Another name for Cherrapunji is Sohra which is locally used. The town is a place of wonder and inspiration. Although encountering an all-time rainfall, people of the village still go about their day without any hindrances. They have found a way around the permanent climate of the region. If it isn't for the climate, then one muct visit to know the livelihoods and the routine of the villagers and the locals, and learn about the Khasi traditions and culture. 

    Sohra offers so many things that can be looked around. There are plenty of places to visit in Cherrapunji and also around. It would be an enlightening as well as entertaining journey and tour here. One must definitely visit at least once in their lifetimes. 

    Explore The Places To Visit In Cherrapunji:

    The following are some of the top places that can be visited in and around Cherrapunji:

    1. Seven Sisters Falls:

    The Seven Sisters Falls is a must-see attraction and one of the top visiting places in Cherrapunji. It is truly a sight to behold in person. Also called the Nohsngithiang Falls, it has an altitude of 1,033 feet (or 315 metres), and is said to be one of the tallest waterfalls in India. It is located in Mawsmai village in Meghalaya, and so also has the name Mawsmai Falls. The falls cascade over limestone cliffs and segments in seven different streams as they flow, hence has an average width of about 230 ft (or 70 metres). 

    The Seven Sister Falls is named after the collection of seven Northeast states of India, namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram and Meghalaya. There are a few viewpoints available for the falls. The Eco Park in Cherrapunji is one, a suitable picnic spot along with a fantastic view of the Nohsngithiang Falls. Another viewpoint is located in the Mawsmai village and lies in the state highway 5, that moves away from Mawsmai. This is certainly one of the amazing places to visit in Cherrapunji.

    2. Living Root Bridges:

    A favourite of the tourists and a marvel that can only be found in the state of Meghalaya, the living root bridges are and have been constructed over decades using the aerial roots of Indian rubber trees. They are built over small streams and rivers and they take even more years for them to finally become sturdy and walkable, and once they are ready and stiff, they can carry about 50 or more people at a time. 

    These bridges were initially started to be built because of the heavy rainfall the region endures; bridges made of steel or wood did not have the capacity to hold on during floods and often washed away. So the people of the Khasi tribe came up with this brilliant idea and since then these bridges became a man-made wonder. There are quite a few living root bridges in Meghalaya, and some of them are pointed down below:

    3. The Double Decker Living Root Bridge: 

    Also known as Umshiang Double-Decker Root Bridge, this one is situated in Nongriat. It is one of the famous and a favourite of the tourists amongst many. This one, in particular, is famous because it is built in a stacked manner of one over the other, and is the only double-decker living root bridge in the entire world. This double-decker root bridge is said to be around 250 years old, and is 3 kms long and hangs 2,400 feet above the ground. Reaching this bridge is a hassle, as one has to trek a long distance in rocky terrains.

    Ritymmen Root Bridge: This bridge is situated on the way to the Double-Decker Root Bridge, and so one need not worry about trekking two different routes to visit two different root bridges. This root bridge has a length of over 30 metres and is known to be the longest known living root bridge in the world.

    Ummunoi Root Bridge: This bridge is considered to be the oldest of three bridges in Cherrapunji and spans about 17 metres across the Ummunoi River, and so the name. One has to trek about 3 km from Laitkynsew village to reach this bridge.

    Mawsaw Root Bridge: This bridge is known for the beautiful view of offers, with a natural pool that lies beneath the bridge. The overall landscape is an eye-catching sight to behold. One has to overcome a half hour walk from the Double-Decker Root Bridge to reach this fabulous destination.

    4. Nohkalikai Waterfalls:

    Another of the great tourist places in Cherrapunji is the Nohkalikai falls with an altitude of 340 metres. It is the tallest waterfall plunge in India and is situated in Cherrapunji. It is also the world's fourth tallest waterfall. The waterfall plunges down into a Lagoon-like pool below, that changes colour from aqua to blue to green depending on the season. There is a viewing gallery at the top that gives you a spectacular view of the plunge down to the pool below. There is a legendary story behind the naming of this falls. There once lived a woman named Ka Likai in the upstream village near the falls. She was widowed at a young age with a child–a girl–in her hands. 

    And so to take care of the child she remarried a man who gradually grew jealous of the attention Ka Likai gave to her daughter. And one day, when Ka Likai was out for work, the man killed the child and cooked her flesh in a jealous rage. Returning from work starving, Ka Likai was served the meaty meal by her husband and after finishing it she went looking for her child. This is when she found a tiny finger near the beatel bush and realised the truth. Out of agony and anger of what she had done she ran off the cliff and plunged to her death. And hence the falls was named Nohkalikai, which in Khasi language literally means ‘the leap of Likai’. Despite the vile tragic legend of the falls, it is truly something to be seen in person and amongst the top places to visit in Cherrapunji.

    5. Mawsmai Cave:

    Mawsmai Cave is another of the top tourist places to visit in Cherrapunji. It is very popular among tourists. The cave is brightly lit when compared to many other caves and so is considerably easier to look around. Although the cave is bigger and deeper, only about 150 metres are open for tourists viewing. It is a cave made up of limestones and has formations of stalactites and stalagmites inside that are marvelous to look at. The cave is also famous for its fossils which would be easier for you to find; you'll just have to spend some time observing the rocks and formations. Inside the cave you'll find constant drippings of water from the roof. One should prefer to wear waterproof clothes when visiting the cave.

    6. Mawlynnong Village:

    Located at a distance of about 80 kilometres from Cherrapunji, this village is definitely one of the best places to visit in Cherrapunji, well, around Cherrapunji. This village has been awarded as the cleanest village in Asia by the Discover India magazine, and that too twice! The weather in Mawlynnong is pleasant year-round, but it is best visited in monsoon. During the rainy season, the entire village and all the lush greeneries become so pretty and intense to look at, the place just turns marvellous and picturesque. Mawlynnong village is located in the district of the East Khasi Hills in the state of Meghalaya in North East India, near the India-Bangladesh border. 

    The village is populated by the Khasi tribe, who are popularly known to be following a matrilineal society where the properties are inherited by women and children take their mother’s surname. Apart from looking around at the cleanliness of the village, there are also a few other things to look at inside the village, such as the Jingmaham Living Root Bridge which is almost 300 years old, the only church in the village which is about a century old called the Church of Epiphany, the Sky Walk and the Balancing Rock. One really should take a look at this village if given the chance, as this could be said as the best place to visit in Cherrapunji.

    7. Dain-Thlen Waterfalls:

    Another of the famous waterfalls in the Meghalaya trip package and Cherrapunji trip package is the Dain-Thlen Waterfalls. This waterfall has a height of 90 metres and is situated in the district of East Khasi Hills. There is a story behind this waterfall too, which talks about a huge python named Thlen who was filled with greed and power terrorised the locals. Some of the villagers then caught the snake and killed it by beating its hood with a huge stone near this fall. Hence the name Dain-Thlen. Visitors can also find some carvings of the snake in the rocks near the falls that represent evil and corruption.

    8. Mawsynram Village:

    One of the top visiting places in Cherrapunji, the village of Mawsynram is said to have rain throughout the year and amongst the rainiest places in the world. It received 26,000 mm of rainfall in 1985. And it has set a new record of receiving 1003.6 mm of rainfall in a span of 24 hours on 17 June 2022. 

    The non-stop rainy weather of this village is not the only characteristic that attracts tourists. The wonderful landscapes, viewpoints and gushing waterfalls in and around the area are the reasons why many nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts frequent this place. The longest sandstone cave in the world, Krem Puri, is located in Mawsynram Village. The Khreng Khreng Viewpoint presents incredible bird's eye views and amazing sights of the Mawsynram Village. Other places that one must visit here include Mawlyngbna and Phlangwanbroi Village.

    Concluding Thoughts:

    Cherrapunji is a whole one week plus package of tourism and one would tremendously enjoy every minute they spend here. Apart from what's mentioned above, this town comprises of so many more wonders all of which would be impossible to detail in this blog. So when you're packing up, note down everything you'd be needing to visit here because you sure do not want to miss anything. There are a plethora of waterfalls and caves that are yet to be explored.

    So don't wait, time's running out! An adventure awaits you! Log in to Capture A Trip, you'll surely need it!

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q. How often does it rain in Cherrapunji?

    It rains throughout the year in Cherrapunji, all 365 days. However it in the season of monsoon when the rainfall is high and at its peak. 

    Q. What is famous of Cherrapunji?

    Located in the East Khasi Hills of Meghalaya, Cherrapunji is famous for its rich culture, mesmerising waterfalls, lush greenery, centuries-old living root bridges, scenic landscapes and enchanting caves.

    Q. How many tourist spots are there in Cherrapunji?

    There are plenty of tourist spots in Cherrapunji, namely the Seven Sisters Waterfall, Mawsmai Cave, Double-decker Living Root Bridge, Mawsynram Village, Mawlynnong Village, Nohkalikai Waterfalls, and so much more.

    Q. Which month is best for Cherrapunji?

    The peak season months of Cherrapunji are from October to February which is the season of winter. This is when most of the tourists visit Cherrapunji or Sohra. Summer is also a good time to visit, which is from March to May.

    Q. How far is Cherrapunji from Shillong?

    Cherrapunji is about 54 kilometres from the city of Shillong by road.

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