    Things to do in Haridwar

    Things to do in Haridwar

    Jun 25, 2024

    Feel ready for spiritual awakening? Here in Haridwar people can, indeed, smell spiritual purity as its main river Ganges flows ceaselessly being fed by gods and the city’s air is always filled with sacred aroma of incense. Haridwar is located in the bank of Ganges in the Shivalik region of the Uttarakhand, it is not only a place, it is a feeling, which takes you back to the annals of Indian civilization and culture. For one who has the intention of seeking blessings of Mother Nature like a pilgrim or one who is in search of solace in life like a traveler, or for one who wants to meet the challenges of experimentation in life like an adventurer, Haridwar holds something unique for everyone. So, let's immerse ourselves in this beautiful city’s features and learn about the endless possibilities of how you can spend your time in Haridwar.

    Top 10 Best Things to do in Haridwar

    1. Feel the Spiritual Essence – Ganga Aarti at Har Ki Pauri

    Finally, it is impossible to discuss the attractions of Haridwar excluding Ganga Aarti at Har Ki Pauri. As the sun falls, the ghats twinkle with the light from the oil lamps, religious sounds of mantras and the place throbs with the beats of his drums. The Aarti is an invocational heart-touching act of worship, in which tens of thousands of people pray and follow the enchanting flow of the river lit by scores of oil lamps. Arrive early enough to get a good spot on the river side and add to this Do float a flower filled diya in the Ganges for your prayer to the river goddess.

    2. Discover Temples of Haridwar

    Temples in Haridwar are in plenty and each of these temples has interesting stories associated with it. The first temple you can begin with is the Chandi Devi Temple located at the Neel Parvat hill. This temple can be accessed either through a hilly foot trail or an adrenaline pumping cable car ride which gives a bird eye’s view of the city. Another place to go to is the Mansa Devi temple which is likewise through a similar cable line ride.

    3. Get Enlisted with History at the Haridwar Archaeological Museum

    This museum called Haridwar Archaeological Museum is a good one for history lovers as it has many collections that are dated back. The museum contains metallic sculptures, coins, scripts, and wall paintings that give a history of this city of India, particularly Haridwar and the neighboring areas. It could be a very interesting stop which may take a couple of hours to see the history of a glorious past of the city and its spiritual development.

    4. Dip in the Most Sacred River

    If one must take a holy bath in the Ganges, nothing can be more appropriate than that. The legends say that taking a bath in the river can wash away all sins and give a new force to a soul. Proceed to the world’s most famous Har Ki Pauri ghat, there are floating markets where people come from different corners of the world to take royal baths in Allahabad. Do not forget to have another set of clothes with you and be cautious of the water currents as the river is strong.

    5. Stroll across the Local Markets

    The local markets of Haridwar are a heartache with their bright colors, beautiful smells and jingle bells. Therefore for a shopper’s paradise, the main bazaar near har ki pauri houses spiritual mementos, Rudraksha beads, brass idols and spiritual artwork, herbal products, local handicrafts, traditional Indian dresses among others. Do not leave without trying local gourmet foods like kachoris, jalebis not to mention the alu puri. The environment here is characterized by relatively high liveliness, and shopkeepers are always ready to engage in someboosterish conversation.

    6. Experience Yoga and Meditation

    In a religious city like Haridwar, people get induced towards yoga and meditation, and thus, it is the best place to learn and familiarize with the forms. Many ashrams and Yoga centers provide short and long term courses for Yoga for starters as well as for the experienced ones. Quietness along with professional trainers, which are always ready to help, means that it is a perfect place for the soul and the body healing.

    7. Tour at Rajaji National Park

    Well, if you are a nature freak, then the Rajaji National Park is the place to be. This vast park is located near Haridwar, and many animals such as elephant, tiger, leopard and several types of birds and mammals are found in the park. For a more vivid experience go for a jungle safari as the park boasts of forest, attractive physical features and wildlife. It is fun and something different from the busy city life and a chance to get a close feel of nature.

    8. Get acquainted with Shanti Kunj

    All World Gayatri Pariwar is the headquarters of Shanti Kunj which is an ashram that supports a spiritual practice under the guidelines of the Vedas and Gayatri Sadhana. It is open for the guests to join several other religious activities, discourses, and to feel the peaceful environment of an ashram. Proper care is taken when it comes to the garden, and premises of the meditation chamber and due to this, ceramic premises and environment, Shanti Kunj is ideal for devotees in search of solace and spiritual upliftment.

    9. Attend the Kumbh Mela

    Out of the four places where Kumbh Mela is organized, Haridwar is one among them and it is organized once in twelve years. This type of a congregation of millions of pilgrims, saints and ordinary tourists cannot be paralleled to any other event. For one week every twelve years, this city comes to life in colorful festivals of devotion and beliefs of the saints and the pilgrims. But one day if you are visiting Haridwar then it will be a one time chance to be lucky to be a part of Kumbh Mela.

    10. Rafting on the Ganges

    Adrenaline junkies should not forget about the rafting on the Ganges River — it is what you should not miss here. Rishikesh is just 3o kms away from Haridwar and is, arguably, among the most popular white-water rafting destinations in India. Just picture yourself hand paddling on the rapids with your heart throbbing, full adrenaline and a mist on your face. The rafting routes have classifications ranging from level one to level four, and thus, wherever you go, there is always the best strip for everyone, ranging from those who want strips that are a little bit challenging to those who want strips that are extremely challenging to maneuver over.


    Therefore, Haridwar is a captivating city for the soul, it leaves a permanent memory to all its visitors. Its spiritual atmosphere, natural beauty together with cultural wealth makes it not just a place but something more than that. Whether one stays one day or two weeks in regard to time, Haridwar asserts itself as a place for self discovery, reflection and change. So, what are you waiting for? Ensure you have your luggage; prepare yourself emotionally with Capture a Trip as you enter this eternal city that is full of mysterious things from gods.

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